Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 18 April 2024

Committee on Key Issues affecting the Traveller Community

Give Travellers the Floor: Discussion

Mr. Martin Collins:

He said his aim in the game was to sell whatever he had in the back of the van, get a few bob off them and get out of the yard. That is an example of being smart and strategic and is how we have survived collectively as a people for hundreds and hundreds of years.

Last, I will talk about the hate speech legislation. This is really important legislation. Ireland is an outlier in the European Union in not having robust, effective legislation dealing with hate speech and hate crime. It is absolutely a load of nonsense for political parties and others to say that this is an interference and impediment to free speech. It is not. Free speech is sacrosanct. Free speech is protected. It is a cornerstone of our democracy. This is about putting legislation on the Statute Book that protects vulnerable groups from hate crime and hate speech. We have had trailers - we call them trailers, not caravans by the way - burned and vandalised by vigilante groups with a racist motivation. There has been no accountability. I know of ten houses that were allocated to Travellers and that have been burned in the past 15 years. Not one single person was brought before the courts or held to account for those racially-motivated attacks.