What is KildareStreet.com?
KildareStreet.com is Ireland’s largest open data project to date. The site makes it not only easy for people to keep tabs on their elected representatives in the Houses of the Oireachtas, but actually possible for them to do this - quickly, clearly, and electronically - for the first time ever in the history of the Republic.
What does the site do?
KildareStreet a non-partisan website which provides a readable copy of the parliamentary record, allows voters to finally search for and find information within it, get RSS feeds for TDs and Senators and set up email or RSS alerts for people or search terms. It also allows active commenting by visitors on what was said.
How is KildareStreet funded?
KildareStreet receives no government funding and has been run for three and a half years on a single private fundraising bequest of €5,800, raised from 67 heroic private citizens in 2009. We are hoping there are a few more heroes out there to help us rebuild for the future and keep KildareStreet alive.
Who does the site serve?
We have served 2,633,823 pages (971,399 in the past 12 months) to 570,486 unique visitors, 86.24% of them in Ireland, with 7,871 of them receiving automatic email alerts for specific topics. The KildareStreet site serves significantly more visitors than the official Oireachtas Debates site because it's easier to use, provides excellent search, and delivers real transparency in government.