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Posted on 4 Dec 2015 11:55 pm

The petition Petition No. 40/14, disease rates linked to central heating systems is from Mr. Tony Rochford. Since 2000, a large percentage of plumbers started to use single check non-return valves to link the central heating system to the householder's water supply. Prior to this, a separate water tank in the attic was used to supply the central heating system. There are no regulation on this issue.

The Petitioner has requested that the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government inform the HSE of this issue and to conduct a public awareness campaign. According to the petitioner, there are possibly 100,000 plus households affected and research indicates that chemicals and bacteria are leaking into the houses' water supply. With self-certification and no regulations, many plumbers continue this practice countrywide.

At the same time, the HSE is reporting an ever-increasing level of disease rates where water can be the transmission route. Health and social care professionals, HSCP, reports also indicate that 30% of these outbreaks come from unknown sources.
.. In this discussion their description of the correct type of valves used in the connection means i have caught Co Councils doing it in Meath and Dublin . I now estimate 6 out of 10 Irish homes has a incorrect connection and many could indeed even contaminate the public main .
They did not discuss my dead leg theory because the connections are in the hot press the very act of disconnecting the temporary filling loop will cause a dead leg (water no longer circulating), stagnant water sitting in a hot press feeding back through the houses entire system . I have seen some 7 m long 24f . I have also conducted water test showing huge amounts of bacteria . But today 2 months after the chair admitted it was a "profoundly serious public health concern" 4th December still no more debate and with an election within months all this evidence will be buried and cant be used again as per the rules of committee . They have used the same rule to drag out corruption enquirers for so long no was alive to give evidence and the guilty walked away untarnished . Its just a gravy train

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