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RSS feed Rose Conway-Walsh TD

Photo of Rose Conway-Walsh

Voting record

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Committees and topics of interest

Asks most questions about

  • Subjects (based on headings added by the Dáil record): Apprenticeship Programmes, Further and Higher Education, Departmental Funding, Third Level Education, Departmental Expenditure

(based on written questions asked by Rose Conway-Walsh and answered by departments)

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Ceisteanna - Questions: Cabinet Committees (1 May 2024)

“I spoke to the Taoiseach last week about the defective concrete blocks situation and what needed to be done there. Today, I raise with him a similar issue. His Government promised to introduce a redress scheme for homeowners living with Celtic tiger-era building defects. Legislation was published last year and emergency funding was to be made available for fire safety works. I am making...”

Ceisteanna - Questions: Cabinet Committees (1 May 2024)

“22. To ask the Taoiseach when the Cabinet committee on housing will meet next. [19529/24]”

European Union Migration and Asylum Pact: Motion [Private Members] (1 May 2024)

“Sinn Féin believes that Ireland can better create a fair, efficient and enforced immigration system by exercising its rights to opt out of a majority of the EU pact's proposals. Sinn Féin opposed the migration and asylum pact for very good reasons. First, it undermines human rights. At the justice committee yesterday, several human rights organisations outlined a number of...”

More of Rose Conway-Walsh's recent appearances


These statistics are updated only each weekend. Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site.More about this)