Seanad debates

Wednesday, 22 February 2012

11:00 am

Photo of Michael MullinsMichael Mullins (Fine Gael)

I support the call by my colleague, Senator Sheahan, for a debate with the Minister for Social Protection on the statutory sick pay scheme. There is no doubt that the scheme as it is currently envisaged will damage small businesses. I would like to widen this debate on sick pay to include the schemes that are in operation throughout the public service. There are opportunities to make significant savings and I hope the Minister will give us an opportunity to contribute to a wider debate. Everything we say and do in this House has to be pro-business and we must do everything possible to create jobs.

I agree with Senator Mullen that we should take on board the concerns expressed by business people who are impacted by Occupy Dame Street and Occupy encampments in other towns. If people are breaking the law, why are they being tolerated? Why is a small handful of people being treated differently from others who might break the law? We have to consider the impact on tourism and jobs. I ask the Leader to arrange a debate with the relevant Minister on the Occupy situation so that we can analyse it and decide what needs to be done to ensure the law of this land is upheld by all its citizens and that no section is treated less favourably than others.


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