Seanad debates

Tuesday, 22 November 2011

12:30 pm

Photo of John KellyJohn Kelly (Labour)

There is a serious and potentially dangerous situation unfolding in County Roscommon as we speak. Yesterday, 14 firemen were taken off the payroll of Roscommon County Council for failing to attend a breathing apparatus refresher course. Every year they attend this course but there is a national proposal that the course would be done on the basis of a pass or fail mechanism although this has not been agreed nationally. By Wednesday, another tranche from Roscommon County Council will not attend the course until it is agreed nationally. It will also be taken off the payroll and we will not have sufficient cover in the event of an emergency.

The county council responded today in The Irish Times by saying it would like to reassure the public that despite the reduced numbers each fire brigade in the county is fully operational. That statement is ludicrous because six firemen are needed to mobilise a fire brigade. Most of the units in Roscommon will have five or fewer. It also admits that the case is before the Labour Relations Commission, yet it is trying to force the hand of the firemen by using heavy-handed and bullying tactics.

I gather the problem has been created by the ego of one man whom everybody knows and seems to be trying to settle scores. I cannot for the life of me understand how anybody could decide to shut down a fire department in a county. In most cases right across the country chief officers and assistant chief officers of the fire department have no practical training or experience at putting out fires. They would not know how to put out a cigarette butt, let alone a fire.

I call on the Leader to address this issue with the Minister, Deputy Hogan. The situation is quite serious and by Wednesday it could be disastrous unless it is dealt with. I would appreciate a response from the Leader.


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