Seanad debates

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Schools Building Projects


6:00 am

Photo of Denis O'DonovanDenis O'Donovan (Fianna Fail)

I welcome the Minister of State, Deputy Seán Haughey, and thank him for replying to this Adjournment matter, which concerns the current situation regarding the construction of two schools in Bantry, a new gaelscoil on a greenfield site and a new community school, or community college as some call it.

This is a pet project for me. Approximately 15 years ago we eventually persuaded the powers-that-be to combine the two existing second level schools and construct a new school in Bantry, to construct a new gaelscoil on the site and to provide much needed sports facilities. This was to be provided under a public private partnership, PPP, and construction commenced six months ago. Significant progress has been made. I inspected the site at the start of construction and two or three times during the course of construction. It has been advanced considerably. However, the High Court has appointed an examiner to one of the two companies that won this contract, Pierse Construction.

My concern, and that of the community, is that this job might be delayed for a considerable period. There is also concern on the part of the labourers working on the project, the tradesmen, the suppliers of machinery, concrete and other materials and all others involved that they might be left high and dry. At one stage, the site appeared to be closed for a few days. There is another company involved in the construction and I am sure it is bonded. I am acting as devil's advocate and asking the Minister of State to clarify the position for the record and to ensure the project will be completed in so far as possible within the timeframe envisaged. I am not seeking special treatment. If it is delayed for a month or two, so be it. It is important the workers and suppliers of materials would be paid, that a bond would be in place and that the work would proceed as normal, especially given that a partner development company was involved in the very difficult and technical application in response to the advertisement in the EU Journal for the tendering process.

I hope my fears are unfounded and that the Minister can allay them. I might wish to comment further at the conclusion of his response but it will be very brief.


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