Seanad debates

Wednesday, 10 February 2010

11:00 am

Photo of Feargal QuinnFeargal Quinn (Independent)

I entered the House with no intention of speaking, since I wanted to listen. This morning's Order of Business has been fascinating in terms of the words expressed on all sides. How valuable would it be for the rest of the nation to know what has been stated on this debate by Senators O'Toole, Harris and Mullen, who are my colleagues on this side, and Senators from all sides of the House? In particular, I listened to Senator Donohoe's comments regarding events in Greece and the danger of the same occurring in Ireland. We experienced considerable difficulties during the 1980s. Whatever we did, we managed to work together to make the nation something of which we were proud in the 1990s and during the past decade. We can do it again.

Senator Ó Brolcháin asked that we not politicise everything. While debates on mental health and banking are healthy, let us be sure to work together as well. In the difficult 1980s, the Leader of the Opposition told the Government that, if the latter took the tough decisions, the Opposition would support it. This is the type of attitude we need, particularly in respect of our social fabric. Various parts of the nation are not working together. We can learn to work together, but someone needs to say that the tough decisions will be taken and followed through.

We are no longer in control of many of the elements over which we used to have control, but the past 20 years saw us learning how to get from the bottom to the top. We can do it again, but it means working together, listening to others and supporting the tough actions required.


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