Seanad debates

Thursday, 20 March 2003

Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages.


10:30 am

Charlie McCreevy (Kildare North, Fianna Fail)

I oppose Senator O'Meara's amendment, which would permit a reduction in the frequency of reviews conducted jointly by the Taoiseach and such other Ministers as prescribed, currently, the Tánaiste and the Minister for Finance, of the operation of section 25(1) of the principal Act. Only three said directives have been the subject of certification under section 25(1) in the five year period to date since the FOI Act commenced. In view of this the requirement for the Taoiseach or the Minister to consider such requests every six months, or at a minimum, every 12 months, is excessive, particularly when the issues pursuant to section 25(1) have a time limit of two years. Therefore, I cannot accept the amendment.

Question, "That the words proposed to be deleted stand," put and declared carried.

Amendment declared lost.


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