Seanad debates

Thursday, 20 March 2003

Freedom of Information (Amendment) Bill 2003: Report and Final Stages.


10:30 am

Charlie McCreevy (Kildare North, Fianna Fail)

I will not accept an amendment to retain the requirement for notice of a delegation under section 4(5) of the principal Act to be published in Iris Oifigiúil. Details of the delegations made by the heads of bodies that come under the Freedom of Information Act are published in the annual report of the Minister as detailed under section 15 of the principal Act. Also, as set out under section 15 of the Act, each public body is required to publish details of the arrangements made by it enabling a person to obtain access to records held by it and exercise his or her other rights under the Act. Such details include the names and designations of persons or staff responsible for carrying out such arrangements. The Department of Finance also has on its website a regularly updated list of FOI officers in all public bodies, plus contact details, which is made available in hard copy to anyone who requests it. Individual public bodies may also publish contact details on the Internet or make such details available on request.


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