Seanad debates

Wednesday, 26 February 2003

10:30 am

John Dardis (Progressive Democrats)

Several Senators began by stating they were members of a health board and then went on to defend the system. I am not saying that there have not been good people or that the politicians do not do their very best for the people in their area. They do, but the local interests are dominant. Unless it is treated on a national basis or on a regional basis, I cannot see where the advances will come.

There are very dedicated people working in this service. I suppose those of us who are old enough regret the fact that they probably do not have that vocational aspect which was so evident 20 or 30 years ago, but we must accept that those days are gone. There are still people who are of that nature. Perhaps there are fewer or perhaps it is a measure of our age that we think there are fewer, but it is that type of dedication which will really solve the problem at the end of the day.


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