Seanad debates

Thursday, 14 November 2002

Rail Services and Related Transport Matters: Statements.


I cannot understand why it takes so long for decisions to be made. The local authority tells me it is CIE's fault. I do not know who is to blame because one gets the same reason from both sides and nobody seems to take responsibility. This is an area where somebody should be responsible for making decisions. In many cases it will not take an enormous amount of money to widen a railway line. I know of cases where narrow roads cause difficulties for farmers who wish to bring combine harvesters or silage machines onto the farm. The machines have to be brought on enormous round trips to get there. The widening of a railway crossing could bring enormous benefit to a community at little cost. However, for some bureaucratic reason nobody seems to be able to make a decision as to whether it is the local authority or CIE who should decide these matters. The Minister should investigate this problem.


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