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RSS feed Senator Eileen Flynn

Photo of Eileen Flynn

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Seanad: Loneliness: Motion (1 May 2024)

“We will discuss the motion on loneliness, brought forward by the Green Party group. Time is limited to 60 minutes, with speakers having six minutes apiece. I welcome the Minister of State to the Seanad.”

Seanad: Loneliness: Motion (1 May 2024)

“Is that agreed? Agreed.”

Seanad: Loneliness: Motion (1 May 2024)

“Originally, I was not going to speak on this topic. When I saw that the Green Party had tabled a motion on loneliness, I thought that was interesting. Then I read the motion and realised that what it calls for is absolutely critical within society. As Senator Boyhan said, we have many action plans to tackle loneliness in this country but we have not had any action around those plans. It...”

More of Eileen Flynn's recent appearances


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