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Results 161-179 of 179 for waste management speaker:Simon Coveney

Written Answers — Grant Payments: Grant Payments (17 May 2011)

Simon Coveney: ...Farm Payment Funds which have been fully allocated at this stage. There has, of course, been significant public investment in the beef and sheep sector in recent years, including through the Farm Waste Management Scheme, the Suckler Cow Welfare Scheme and the Capital Investment Scheme for the beef and sheepmeat processing industry, as well as the grassland sheep scheme and the...

Written Answers — Grant Payments: Grant Payments (3 May 2011)

Simon Coveney: Two applications for grant-aid under the Farm Waste Management Scheme were received in the name of the person named, who is now deceased. Two instalments of grant-aid in respect of the first application have been paid by my Department. However, no further payments can be made in respect of that application until the further documentation which was requested by the Inheritance Enquiry Unit in...

Written Answers — Common Fisheries Policy: Common Fisheries Policy (13 Apr 2011)

Simon Coveney: CFP. The issue of discards is high on the reform agenda, with the Commissioner giving it her top priority. I want to assure her of Ireland's desire and my personal commitment to address this wasteful and unacceptable practice. From a practical viewpoint, we need to look at the reform timetable and the implications it will have for the Irish Presidency, which commences in January 2013....

Written Answers — Grant Payments: Grant Payments (22 Mar 2011)

Simon Coveney: The person named has received two instalments of grant-aid under the Farm Waste Management Scheme. However, a decision on payment of the final instalment of 20% due under the Scheme has been deferred pending the completion of an investigation into the status of part of the supporting documentation submitted with the payment claim concerned. No decision will be taken in relation to...

Water Utilities: Motion (12 Jan 2011)

Simon Coveney: ...following on from a different type of water crisis last winter which was caused by flooding. Again our water infrastructure has been exposed for what it is - outdated, inadequate and broken. Our management structure of water delivery systems has also been again exposed as inadequate for the country's needs. What Fine Gael is trying to do is to put forward a solution rather than beat the...

Energy (Biofuel Obligation and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2010 [Seanad]: Second Stage (22 Apr 2010)

Simon Coveney: ...understand that potentially one could have more home-grown fuel paying the levy, but that is not the way the levy works. It works on imported fuel and, on a per litre basis, a levy goes to NORA to manage the scheme. Unless we are using more fuel, however, I do not see how NORA will get more money from a levy that is applied on a per litre basis. That is a genuine question and not an...

Severe Weather Emergencies: Motion (26 Jan 2010)

Simon Coveney: ...big floods and big freeze, which sums up our weather pattern for the past three months. I am short on time and will for this reason concentrate on two specific issues, the first of which is water management. I am aware that the Minister has in recent days proposed a change in the funding model for water provision in Ireland, namely, the introduction of water charges. The Minister needs...

Written Answers — Waste Disposal: Waste Disposal (6 Oct 2009)

Simon Coveney: Question 963: To ask the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the position in relation to Haulbowline Island, County Cork; his plans to deal with the toxic waste at the site; the way the site will be managed; and when he will undertake the health survey of the Cork Harbour area as promised. [33251/09]

Written Answers — Waste Management: Waste Management (7 Jul 2009)

Simon Coveney: ...for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government the position in relation to Haulbowline Island County Cork; if the report has been brought before Cabinet; his plans to deal with the toxic waste at the site; the way the site will be managed; and when he will undertake as promised the health survey of the Cork Harbour area. [27857/09]

Financial Resolution No. 11: General (Resumed) (8 Apr 2009)

Simon Coveney: ...sloppy and that it is expensive to do business here. They know we have allowed this to happen in the last four to five years. Ten years ago, we were highly competitive. People are aware of the wasteful expenditure that has taken place. They know that in the boom times, when we were lucky enough to have surpluses, we should have been preparing for a downturn or for the deep recession we...

National Development Plan: Motion (Resumed) (10 Jul 2008)

Simon Coveney: The time to invest in long-term programmes that drive Irish competitiveness is when capital is available to the State. The time when political leadership is needed to challenge a culture of waste and promote a new ethos of efficiency is when money is freely available to be abused. Unfortunately, the Government has shown leadership in none of these areas but has contributed to...

Hazardous Waste: Statements (2 Jul 2008)

Simon Coveney: ...material was left to be moved by the contractors. I have an e-mail from that engineer which states, in part: Today is our fifth day on site and the process of quantifying the quantities of surface waste left for disposal for the Department of the Environment is progressing well. However, we feel obliged to make an interim report regarding the findings so far. It is of considerable...

Written Answers — Alternative Energy Projects: Alternative Energy Projects (17 Jun 2008)

Simon Coveney: Question 958: To ask the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources the amount of public money that has been allocated since 2007 for the development of Bord na Móna's waste management facility as planned for in the national development plan; and if he will make a statement on the matter. [22750/08]

Waste Management: Motion (Resumed). (4 Jul 2007)

Simon Coveney: correct when he says that those in Government cannot directly influence or change a planning decision of An Bord Pleanála. However, Ministers can outline clearly the Government's policy on waste disposal and management at national level. I remind the House that Government policy was clearly the key factor in An Bord Pleanála's decision to grant planning permission for a hazardous...

Waste Management: Motion (Resumed). (4 Jul 2007)

Simon Coveney: The document in question, which remains an expression of Fine Gael's policy in this respect, states that incineration should not be part of the mix of waste disposal strategies. Many of us had great hopes for the new Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government on this issue. If he states tomorrow morning, as he has the power to do, that the Government has changed its policy...

Planning and Development (Strategic Infrastructure) Bill 2006 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed). (24 May 2006)

Simon Coveney: ...Roads, bridges, tunnels, railways, commuter rail and underground links, airport extensions, port developments, energy and telecommunications infrastructure, gas and oil pipelines and terminals and waste management facilities which are unpopular but necessary are fundamental to expanding communities. As legislators, we must strike a balance between establishing a process that facilitates a...

Energy (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2006: Second Stage. (6 Apr 2006)

Simon Coveney: ...has left the House because he knows a bit about this area as a result of his work in the forestry sector. Whether it is fast growing wood coppice plantations, forestry thinnings or wood and paper waste, these are viable fuel sources that are being used to significant effect in other European countries. However, they are not being used in Ireland to the extent they could be. New peat power...

Crime Victims. (20 Oct 2005)

Simon Coveney: ...Support organisation ceased on 31 March this year. I am aware of the reasons that happened and I do not wish to get into the merits of that debate. I hope the Minister of State's response does not waste too much time with it. A commission was established and allocated a budget to make recommendations on how we should support victims of crime and what structures are necessary to do so. I do...

Water Services Bill 2003 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed). (19 Oct 2004)

Simon Coveney: ways of thinking about the provision of water. This Bill sets down a new and updated legislative code dealing with the functions, standards, obligations and practice regarding the planning, management and delivery of water supply, waste water collection and treatment services. On Second Stage we have an opportunity to debate some of the issues surrounding the provision of piped water...

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