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Results 41-60 of 73 for waste management speaker:Mattie McGrath

Establishment of a Commission of Inquiry into the National Asset Management Agency: Statements (1 Feb 2017)

Mattie McGrath: ...some 7,000 or 8,000 properties to local authorities but they could only take two. They were offered to Tipperary but we only took a small number. We tried to find out why from the housing sector, the county manager, the housing agency and NAMA but I am dizzy and frustrated as it is impossible to get a straight answer. These bodies have title and ownership and can give them over. If...

Planning and Development (Housing) and Residential Tenancies Bill 2016 [Seanad]: Report Stage (Resumed) (16 Dec 2016)

Mattie McGrath: ...We may as well put a message in the newspapers to landlords to the effect that they should put up the rents before this happens. It is a mockery. It is shameful as far as I am concerned. It is wasteful and useless. I mean that and I say it sincerely. I listened to the female Deputy from Galway who is part of Independents4Change – her name eludes me. She was telling the...

Education (Admission to Schools) Bill 2016: Second Stage (16 Nov 2016)

Mattie McGrath: ...under a number of headings, including professional misconduct and poor professional performance. That is very welcome. Speaking as a parent first, but also as a former member of a board of management of a national school, a secondary school, a VEC college and, before that, a technical school that was amalgamated, I believe there are issues for parents and guardians but especially for...

Leaders' Questions (13 Oct 2016)

Mattie McGrath: ...closes services in Nenagh and other locations, such as the backup services in Waterford, where patients were coming. We need to correct the record and not throw money at a dysfunctional outfit which is outdated and wasteful. The Minister said we wasted a decade but where was the decade of reform? I want a reply also on the issue of so many less staff in the HSE. There are front-line...

Summer Economic Statement 2016: Statements (Resumed) (23 Jun 2016)

Mattie McGrath: pay the wages of the public service, civil servants and so on. It was not a nice choice. As I stated, there is a new budget process with budget reform and a budget committee. The Economic Management Council has been stood down, that is, the four Ministers in the previous Government who made all the decisions. As I understand it, even the Cabinet did not have a say; it was only...

Housing and Homelessness: Statements (22 Mar 2016)

Mattie McGrath: I, too, am delighted to speak in this debate but as many previous speakers stated, and I compliment the new Members on their maiden speeches, it is a time-wasting exercise because it will not rehouse any person who is not already housed. I am glad the caretaker Minister is in the Chamber. If he built anything near the number of houses he promised, announced and turned sods, the housing...

Topical Issue Debate: Job Losses (13 Jan 2016)

Mattie McGrath: ...thank the Minister who is making efforts. One of the problems with C&C, the then Competition Authority and others is that they waltzed in and took over a good company, and they have laid it to waste. This is a hammer blow for Tipperary. I am being told that I should be welcoming them, because it is an ill wind that blows no good and it will blow the jobs to Clonmel. A storm is...

Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Bill 2015: Second Stage (Resumed) (21 Oct 2015)

Mattie McGrath: ...when to cut and run and have the election. When people get their pay packets in January, they will know what they have and what they got. The troika did not deal with the massive, exorbitant waste at the top, the consultants, Uisce Éireann and all the other bodies. It is as if we did not have enough experience of the monstrosity of the HSE which was created by amalgamating the...

Health (General Practitioner Service) Bill 2015: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Apr 2015)

Mattie McGrath: .... That will be another 22-bed hospital gone. It is a wonderful institution whose matron, Anne Halley, and her staff have given sterling service. I was to have had a meeting tomorrow morning with the senior management there because she is not getting the support she needs. The situation is archaic. I plead with the Minister from the bottom of my heart, in as calm and rational manner as...

Health (General Practitioner Service) Bill 2015: Second Stage (Resumed) (16 Apr 2015)

Mattie McGrath: not efficient enough to deal with that. I do not accept it is too difficult and costly because with specialised information technology today we should be able to distinguish between people and not waste scarce resources on people who do not need them and have said they do not want them. The Government could ask them to give them up. The free GP card is for those over the age of 70...

Water Services Bill 2014: Committee Stage (Resumed) (11 Dec 2014)

Mattie McGrath: ...same does not apply to the members of the permanent government. They devised this scheme to suit themselves and it is nothing more than a pension scheme for some of their own people. I know of three former county managers who have been appointed to the new body, along with several other former senior officials. In the meantime, no pipes have been fixed and no sod has been turned on a...

Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2014: Second Stage (Resumed) (27 Nov 2014)

Mattie McGrath: ...that by the Minister's predecessor. I am not here to attack HSE officials but to look for some semblance of normality, accountability and understanding. I will welcome this Bill if it stops waste that is clearly occurring and insurance companies that have run amok. I know insurance companies have to be viable and cannot operate at a loss, but the rates charged by them are staggering. ...

Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2014: Second Stage (Resumed) (27 Nov 2014)

Mattie McGrath: ...mind me straying slightly from health insurance to general health issues. I agree with what the Minister said earlier about certain people demanding his presence this morning and stopping the work. We then wasted another hour back and forward with other issues which is not good enough. I had to put back by an hour an appointment in my constituency - some of us have further to travel...

Child and Family Agency Bill 2013: Second Stage (17 Jul 2013)

Mattie McGrath: ...have insufficient staff. If one takes 4,000 staff members from the HSE, what gaps will be left behind? As I have stated previously, the HSE has a disgraceful culture in many areas with deplorable waste and pathetic management. Many of its senior managers previously were ordinary clerical officers who worked up the line. Many of them never got any experience of managing so much as a...

Housing (Amendment) Bill 2013: Second Stage (Resumed) (9 May 2013)

Mattie McGrath: ...the Department of Social Protection to the local authorities. I welcome that as it is long overdue. I have often said the HSE should not have anything to do with this as it has enough to do in managing its own area. It should be the function of the local authorities to deal with housing. I come from the voluntary housing sector and I am chairperson of a group which built 14 houses...

Credit Reporting Bill 2012: Second Stage (28 Mar 2013)

Mattie McGrath: ...huge commissions. There was no regulation. Why do we pay regulators? Are we paying them to fall asleep at the wheel? These questions must be asked. This Credit Reporting Bill 2012 is a waste of time. It is feeble effort by the Minister, Deputy Noonan, and his officials to close the gate several years after the horse bolted. As a man from my county who died about 15 years would say,...

Further Education and Training Bill 2013: Second Stage (27 Feb 2013)

Mattie McGrath: ...or the rural transport projects because they were all audited properly. I am chairperson of a FÁS scheme in which, recently, the wages were not paid into the bank because of a 9 cent discrepancy in the accounts. Millions of euro could be wasted, however, on foreign trips, junkets, hairdos and what not. What went on higher up was an abomination. Nobody will be sorry to see the name...

Water Services Bill 2013 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (14 Feb 2013)

Mattie McGrath: ...and how it treated its own service people. Bord Gáis is actually treating its network in a reckless way which is highly dangerous. Uisce Éireann is going to be handed over to this company in a cosy deal to manage our water services. I salute the pioneers, both in urban and rural areas, who set up private water schemes over the years and for their hard work in making them...

National Lottery Bill 2012: Second Stage (Resumed) (5 Feb 2013)

Mattie McGrath: not broken? I hope the Government will not use the old flogging horse of the children's hospital. Goodness knows, that project has been delayed for far too long and far too much money has been wasted on consultants and planners. As the Acting Chairman knows from his county, a good pre-planning meeting with planners is recommended regardless of the size of the project. How in God's...

Education (Amendment) (Protection of Schools) Bill 2012: Second Stage [Private Members] (3 Jul 2012)

Mattie McGrath: .... The CLÁR programme provided funding for play areas. Now, however, the Government is going to throw the baby out with the bathwater by closing many of the schools in question. It is reckless waste. However, considering the already reckless waste of the public service and Governments, this is nothing new to official Ireland which does not understand the value of money. The upgrading...

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