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Results 21-40 of 73 for waste management speaker:Mattie McGrath

Covid-19 (Health): Statements (27 May 2020)

Mattie McGrath: ...knows what is going on. On April 14, Bon Secours Hospital had 30 occupied beds. There were 16 the following week, 85 the next week and 103 the next. That is out of 300 beds. This is a shocking waste of facilities. Mater Private Hospital Cork has a capacity of 102 beds. Its counterpart in Dublin is probably worse. There were six beds occupied one week, 25 another week, 37 the next...

Financial Resolutions 2019 - Financial Resolution No. 9: General (Resumed) (9 Oct 2019)

Mattie McGrath: ...he had obviously not even read his speech. The Taoiseach likes to quote from the Bible but he should try and live by it and look after the people who are less able to look after themselves. The waste in the past number of years has been a shocking indictment of this Government when it has had the considerable benefit of corporation taxes. That money has been squandered like snow in a...

CervicalCheck Tribunal Bill 2019: Second Stage (26 Jun 2019)

Mattie McGrath: ..., there is no justice for these women. They have life sentences. The best we can offer is a tribunal. No disrespect to the judge who will head it up, but they have not worked. They are an abject failure and a complete waste of time and money. It is an adversarial system that is ill-equipped to handle sensitive issues of this kind. It is also not known for the speed at which it can...

Nurses, Midwives and Paramedics Strikes: Motion [Private Members] (13 Feb 2019)

Mattie McGrath: .... The Minister of State, Deputy Catherine Byrne, knows because she has a family, including grandchildren. She will know about the dysfunction in the HSE and Department of Health. The nurses see the waste every day of the week. In the wards, there are ward managers, floor managers, bed managers, linen managers, hygiene managers and food managers but nobody managing. Despite this, the...

Local Government Bill 2018: Instruction to Committee (4 Dec 2018)

Mattie McGrath: ...taken away from the local members. The Government doubled the size of the areas for the county councils and gave them no say whatever. The Government now wants the issue discussed. The county manager, Joe MacGrath, was brought into a workshop from which the press was shut out. Council members might as well be idle. Drawing up local area plans and tabling and discussing amendments to...

Water Services: Motion [Private Members] (6 Nov 2018)

Mattie McGrath: I move:That Dáil Éireann:notes:— the findings of the Environmental Protection Agency Report ‘Urban Waste Water Treatment in 2017’ include:— the waste water treatment at 28 of Ireland’s 179 large urban areas failed to meet European Union standards; — raw sewage from the equivalent of 88,000 people in 38 towns and villages flows into the...

Finance Bill 2018: Second Stage (Resumed) (23 Oct 2018)

Mattie McGrath: ...or someplace else? It may be in a spin office up in Government Buildings. The findings are taken from an investigation by Care Alliance Ireland. I salute the family carers and Catherine Cox. I also salute Councillor Richie Molloy, a manager for family carers in south Tipperary. Care Alliance Ireland executive director, Liam O’Sullivan, estimated there is a gap of 18%, or 4...

Financial Resolutions 2019 - Budget Statement 2019 (9 Oct 2018)

Mattie McGrath: ...funding go to reduce these waiting lists? Today has been a beautiful day. Given the numbers we have on trolleys reached crisis point during the hottest summer in years, how will our hospitals manage during the winter? Unless we address staff recruitment and retention issues, our health services will continue to suffer and I am just not positive about the measures taken today. The...

Children's Health Bill 2018 [Seanad]: Second Stage (Resumed) (27 Sep 2018)

Mattie McGrath: .... They are adolescents and should not be there at all. It is a terrible situation. It causes trauma for the whole hospital. It causes trauma in the children's ward. Some decisions have been taken lately by the management that they will not take these sick or distressed children anymore. Where will they go? I understand they are not being admitted into the hospital in Tipperary. I...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Communications, Climate Action and Environment: Impact of Retirement Packages for Postmasters: Discussion (4 Sep 2018)

Mattie McGrath: ...them. They complained about the customers they did not have and, fair enough, many of us were not great but the people who were supporting them are the ones who will suffer most. It is very unfair. Management are more concerned with cushy offices and big jobs for themselves. Why do we not sell the GPO? We cannot get rid of the idle staff who are in there so sell the damn place and...

Home Building Finance Ireland Bill 2018: Second Stage (Resumed) (5 Jul 2018)

Mattie McGrath: ...Danny Healy-Rae, said. Will the Government come clean and stop the spin? Does it have money or not? I am sick and tired of asking, cajoling and begging the Tipperary housing director and county manager to explain why houses are not being built. Eleven houses were built in Tipperary between 2012 and 2016. I earlier inadvertently stated that 11 had been built between 2011 and 2016....

Fatal Road Traffic Collision in County Monaghan in 2011: Statements (31 May 2018)

Mattie McGrath: that An Garda Síochána has to defend themselves, not to mention to defend us. I salute every man and woman there. The vast majority, 99%, are doing their best in the face of adversity but there is no management structure. There is mismanagement at an appalling rate right up the line, a lack of respect and a lack of accountability. The word accountability is not in...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Rural Bus Services: Discussion (30 May 2018)

Mattie McGrath: .... The figures here are vital and Deputy Collins was trying to deal with it. I am on the board and we meet once a month. It is very onerous and it is a voluntary board. We have an excellent manager, staff, team, drivers and people sub-contracting. We are busy trying to keep afloat and trying to manage with the funding we have. The sum of €200,000 for the country would not do...

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Transport, Tourism and Sport: Rural Bus Services: Discussion (30 May 2018)

Mattie McGrath: ...coming to Tipperary. I am not saying he should know everything about rural Ireland or that I should know everything about Dublin, because I do not. It is a broad brief. Money, however, is being wasted. The Minister railed against quangos but the quangos he has under his remit, including the RSA and others, are bloated. The Minister railed against them all his life but is now defending...

Road Traffic (Amendment) Bill 2017: Report Stage (Resumed) (25 Apr 2018)

Mattie McGrath: introduce electric buses in Germany. There is a company in Tipperary that erects some of the harnesses to drive these buses. They were seeing whether we could get rid of the pollution and have a cleaner economy. That was a wasteful exercise on my part. The Minister's Department has a huge vendetta against machinery and tractors. As I have pointed out before to him, the Department...

Financial Resolutions 2018 - Financial Resolution No. 4: General (Resumed) (11 Oct 2017)

Mattie McGrath: ...could have cut the VAT rate to the purchasers of houses if he was so hung up on not giving it to the builders. I am not a spokesperson for the builders, but we should cut the VAT rate there and instruct the county managers to cut the development charges and reduce the charge relating to change of use. Many empty business properties have not been used for five or ten years. Change of use...

Financial Resolutions 2018 - Budget Statement 2018 (10 Oct 2017)

Mattie McGrath: ...have been set up, and the county councils. I do not even know the fancy acronym for it. I do not want to. It will take two years to set up, it will be packed with retired officials and former county managers and it will do absolutely nothing to help the housing crisis. The people should be allowed to build their houses. If they are seeking planning permission in the country, they...

Building Standards, Regulations and Homeowner Protection: Motion [Private Members] (21 Jun 2017)

Mattie McGrath: I cannot hear myself with these Deputies talking. They complain that they do not have enough time but then they waste it heckling. I compliment the motion and the Green Party, particularly Deputy Catherine Martin, on tabling it. One of the main features of the problem is the terms of the existing regulatory framework. I refer to the dangerous imbalance that may exist between the right...

Questions on Promised Legislation (16 Feb 2017)

Mattie McGrath: ...treated badly by the Irish Greyhound Board for the last four years. Several Ministers have ignored this matter and have reappointed their own cronies onto the board. While Rome burns, they are wasting time and tracks are being closed. We have seen the closure of Harold's Cross and we see that Clonmel in County Tipperary is also down for closure, along with two or three other tracks...

Hospital Waiting Lists: Statements (9 Feb 2017)

Mattie McGrath: ...the matter to the Committee on Public Accounts. Will the Minister insist that step-down patients be allowed into the hospital and that beds will be put in? It is state-of-the-art. If we are going to waste this kind of money on a building that is being used just for a very few minor injuries, as the Minister saw, and offices for management, it is unacceptable. The Minister said he had...

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