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Susan Lohan
Posted on 20 Mar 2014 2:03 pm

Dear Deputy Mary White - I hope that the 60,000+ adopted people who have been clamouring for decades for legislative change in order to discover their identities & increasingly the circumstances of their adoptions can rely on the a proportionate amount of sympathy when it comes to presurising the Minister to enact such open-records legislation? You can also add to that the ten's of thousands of unmarried mothers whose children were forcibly taken from them, in 100's of cases after many years of living with their children in Mother & Baby Homes.
With regards to your comment that you did "not have adequate words to describe the pain, anguish and yearning of the (23) families waiting to adopt these children", I strongly recommend that you refocus your lobbying efforts on the best interests of the children in Russia, Ethiopia and the other corrupt regimes, that the Irish State seems to think it ok to import children from. Sponsorship is universally regarded as the best option for children whose wider families & wider communities cannot care for them; ICA is meant as a measure of last resort to avoid the widespread corruption & criminality that typically accompanies it. A senior advisor on child protection with UNICEF, Alexandria Yuster, argues that international adoption is now more about finding children for first world parents than finding homes for children.
Words cannot describe how I feel about the disproportionate effort the Houses of the Oireachtas have taken in this area; would that the rest of us were so well connected........

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