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Lisa Vandegrift Davala
Posted on 27 Mar 2012 12:00 pm

Thank you to all the Senators who brought Lyme and other rarer diseases to the attention of the Seanad. For the thousands of families affected by Lyme disease in Ireland, the lack of public recognition, as well as the lack of accurate testing and clinical diagnostic skills here in Ireland, has left patients with this condition unsupported and open to accusations of hypochondria by Doctors and family members alike. The disease can be fatal, but the highest number of fatalities from this disease are due to suicides, as a consequence of lack of recognition, support and medical treatment. The International Association of Lyme and Associated Diseases (ILADS) are a professional body of expert medical practitioners pro-active in helping to educate Doctors and through their educational arm are happy to consult, educate and lecture all over the world. I applaud the suggestion that patients be allowed and encouraged to consult with experts abroad with the support of our own system, as this is how positive change will happen, and those suffering today will find the competent and respectful care that is unobtainable presently in Ireland. Thank you.
Lisa Vandegrift Davala

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