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akin Odusote
Posted on 31 Jan 2011 2:19 pm

Contrary to the responds from the minister;as his discretion determines an application for citizenship seeming bogus and primitive to the exposures of irish community around the world,
To me, i believed that ireland judicial system is coherent and respected, to which a case having dealt with in the court of law with an appropriate conviction should be used against citizenship application,such as traffic offences.
Also there is no provision for appeal to the minister decission

Moreso,"GOOD CHARRACTER"who is an angel? that has no a single short comings? neither the people in the goverment, as which all there words are being used to denied people application for citizenship ,for having lived in the state over 10years working and paying tax to the same economy,itz totally unfair under the context of fundemental human rights of equality.

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