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Karol Ryan
Posted on 20 Jan 2011 10:42 pm

I would really question Fine Gaels social judgement after reading this. One quote from Leo Varadkar (We must oppose any measure that makes it more difficult to get a job and keep a job, including any attempts to make the labour market more flexible. "Refering in particular to the 23 new criminal offences established in this Bill and also the new powers conferred on NERA).

I would like to say to you, this Compliance Bill is more important now then ever before as unlawful employers will be the first to cut more corners. The Bill is strengthening what is mostly already in scattered employment acts. The Bill is not going to cause hardship to any already law obeying employers. I have read it in full. Nera is encouraging a standard that you, more than lightly enjoy, while the people that generally have to deal with rogue employers tend to be the lower paid. In workplaces such as catering which had the most complaints, employers tend have little interest in obeying the basic employment rights. I worked myself (retail manager) for an employer that never gave us our basic holiday entitlements without a fight. I worked as a manager for 5/6 yrs for them and this year on my first pregnancy I was dismissed while still on my maternity leave. This is also a typical of whats happening now, more then ever there has been an increase of women being let go even though we have half the family mortgages to pay. Leaving whole families in jeopardy now. Women are being gotten rid now as their are not enough jobs for both sexes anymore and because of their anatomy/ child bearing age whatever you want to call it. Fine Gael is so interested criticizing the government that they are blind sighted and missing the point. There are some employers for instance that break serious health and safety regulations. The compliance Bill is about enabling and educating people, especially in workplaces' that are breaking the law daily which as I said generally the lower paid and people are unaware of what they can do about it. I seriously doubt your looking at it from the correct view point which is the employee looking for basic rights to be upheld. Whether or not we're in a downturn because of this government this Bill is still a good thing. No matter when the Bill is finally passed I will be happy. I have not supported this government any election.

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