Dáil debates

Tuesday, 30 April 2024

Saincheisteanna Tráthúla - Topical Issue Debate

Departmental Schemes

10:45 pm

Photo of Neale RichmondNeale Richmond (Dublin Rathdown, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I again thank Deputy Nash for his contribution here this evening. I repeat that the special regeneration areas are designated by the Minister for Finance on independent advice. We respond to the advice and we look at the maps of the regeneration areas, as they are sought and provided.

I said quite clearly to Deputy Nash that like any tax expenditure, the living city initiative is kept under review. As I am sure he will appreciate, decisions regarding tax incentives and reliefs, whether in respect of the introduction of new measures or the amendment or expansion of existing measures are normally made in the context of the budget and the finance Bill.

As members of the finance committee, Deputy Nash and I sat through three finance Bills, when he was his party spokesperson. This is the process we need to look to in regard to the living city initiative. I know he raised it with both me and the Minister, Deputy Michael McGrath. The points he made are very salient and I do not argue with them. I fundamentally believe that the small city of Drogheda does require that level of respect. An awful lot of work has gone into Drogheda and the wider area, in particular in regard to criminal gang feuds and the effort made by successive Ministers, including when Deputy Nash was in that position himself. I accept that more can be done. We all accept that more could be done for our home towns and areas. That is why we come in here every day to advocate for them. With regard to this particular initiative, while I take Deputy Nash's points on board, realistically at this point it is within the finance Bill that any review could be done. As it stands, there is no plan to change the scheme in terms of the existing places that are included.


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