Dáil debates

Wednesday, 18 October 2023

Middle East and the Occupied Palestinian Territories: Statements (Resumed)


6:30 pm

Photo of Michael Healy-RaeMichael Healy-Rae (Kerry, Independent) | Oireachtas source

At the outset, we have to say that we absolutely condemn what is going on, which is, in effect, war crimes being committed against the most vulnerable of people. What we have to say tonight is that the murder of innocent people, wherever it happens, in whatever name, and for whatever cause, cannot be allowed. It has to be condemned by all right-thinking people and governments. Take our own small country as an example. Who have we to thank for peace in this country? We have people like the Sinn Féin Party, Fianna Fáil, Fine Gael, and everybody who came together.


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