Dáil debates

Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Pre-European Council Meeting: Statements


2:20 pm

Photo of Paschal DonohoePaschal Donohoe (Dublin Central, Fine Gael) | Oireachtas source

I will wrap up in a moment. It is likely that the European Council will request the European Commission and the European Defence Agency to bring work forward in areas such as research, standards and certification, small and medium enterprises and security of supply.

I will briefly refer to other matters raised by a number of colleagues, particularly Deputy Crowe, who mentioned enlargement, Syria, etc. I acknowledge the progress made by High Representative Catherine Ashton with regard to efforts to normalise relations between Serbia and Kosovo over the past six months. I look forward to seeing continuing progress on the Serbian accession negotiations and also the outcome of the negotiations between the EU and Kosovo on a stabilisation and association agreement. On another positive note, the European Council is expected to confirm that we can look forward to a decision on the granting of candidate status to Albania in June 2014, and I will visit that country in January.

The conflict in Syria was mentioned by colleagues. Ireland has been doing all it can to help, providing over €14 million in assistance since the crisis began. We are currently examining future support for Syria and preparing for the second pledging conference due to take place in Kuwait on 15 January. This pledge will represent an increase on Ireland's pledge made at the Kuwait conference last January. The Government is also supporting international efforts to find a sustainable political solution to the crisis. We have called for safe and unimpeded humanitarian access and urged all parties to the conflict to fully respect international humanitarian law and refrain from targeting civilians.

I conclude by thanking everybody for their contributions. Perhaps some of the more detailed points that I could not refer to because of time can be dealt with at the next meeting of the European affairs committee. I wish everybody a good Christmas.


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