Dáil debates

Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Other Questions

Human Rights Issues

2:45 pm

Photo of Mick WallaceMick Wallace (Wexford, Independent) | Oireachtas source

Irrespective of what this person is guilty of and whether he should be in prison, he is entitled to certain human rights while in prison. Based on the details the family has sent to us, there is a big gap between the conditions they describe and what the authorities are saying. The conditions we have been told about are frightening. I do not know what sort of facilities exist for getting Irish prisoners home to a prison in Ireland, but it is unfair on his wife and family to have him in a prison outside Ireland. Given that Lithuania is taking over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union after Ireland, it is very important that Lithuania is seen to adhere to proper rules and regulations on prison life.


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