Dáil debates

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Ceisteanna - Questions - Priority Questions

State Airports

2:20 pm

Photo of Clare DalyClare Daly (Dublin North, Socialist Party) | Oireachtas source

As the Minister indicated, the question relates to a provision in respect of the safety of airlines and was tabled in order to highlight the double standard. While the convention may not have been used against protesters, it is clear that legislation has been used to stop them. In addition, there is a very lax regime in place in respect of aircraft. I accept that there is an overlap with the Department of Justice and Equality in this regard. Almost 10,500 US flights, either military or civil, have traversed our airspace or landed at Shannon Airport during the past four years. The Minister has confirmed that not one of these aircraft was searched. I do not believe it is adequate to accept an assurance from the US authorities to the effect that just because they have given their word, this should be good enough. As the person with responsibility for the safety of airlines and airports, why has the Minister not initiated a process of random inspections to ensure that safety?


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