Dáil debates

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

3:00 pm

Photo of Enda KennyEnda Kenny (Mayo, Fine Gael)

I sympathise with those concerned on the tragic loss of life in Glandore and hope the efforts being made will conclude what is a great tragedy for the families of those involved.

I am well aware of the beneficial impact of DEIS schools on pupils. As Deputy Martin is aware, the Minister for Education and Skills set out, following his analysis, that he should receive a report from his Department inside the next four weeks that will consider the impact and benefit of DEIS schools in bands one and two and determine what savings can be made within his Department's Vote for 2012 to alleviate, where possible, the problems that exist. The Minister has clarified his position on this and I expect that the report will be brought to the Government within the next four weeks.

There can be no question of any reversal of the overall figures. They have been voted through by the House and the Government. The Minister, Deputy Quinn, has set out that if he is to find alleviation measures, they have got to come from other locations within the Department of Education and Skills Vote. The Minister will present his report to the Cabinet and to the public when he receives it in the next four weeks.

I have visited a number of DEIS schools over the years. Some cases have been more beneficial than others. I have seen the impact directly upon numbers of students who have benefited greatly. Given the circumstances that can apply in any DEIS 1 or DEIS 2 school, as the Deputy is aware, there can be a greater impact in some cases than in others.


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