Dáil debates

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

European Council Meeting: Statements


1:00 pm

Photo of Eamon GilmoreEamon Gilmore (Dún Laoghaire, Labour)

First, this is a hugely important issue. That is why we had a debate about it last week. That is why the Taoiseach came into the House before the summit and spoke about it.

We have had a long debate and discussion here during the course of today. There are two committees of the House, both of which have a key role to play in this area. There is the Joint Committee on European Union Affairs, of which Deputy Costello is the Chairman, and that has a role to play. Clearly, the Joint Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform can discuss it. As far as Ministers are concerned, we are prepared to attend these committees and to have these issues teased out. We can make more time available here on the floor of the House, if that is required.

This is an issue which is hugely important for people in their everyday life. We are talking about the stability of the euro and all of the implications that flow from that for investment, for jobs and for the future of the European economy.

I will make one observation on the tone of this debate. One would think that Europe is somehow not us at all. We are part of Europe. We do not talk about this as though there is Europe and there is us. We have national interests to pursue within Europe and those were outlined-----


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