Dáil debates

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

European Council Meeting: Statements


1:00 pm

Photo of Robert DowdsRobert Dowds (Dublin Mid West, Labour)

The second question relates to Britain. I am glad the Taoiseach is keen to keep open our links with Britain and to encourage Britain to be as engaged in the EU as possible. I suggest that the next time the Taoiseach or Tánaiste is speaking with the British Prime Minister, they should highlight one of the consequences of Britain moving to a more removed position from the EU may be the break-up of Britain itself and that, should he want to keep Britain intact, it might be better to be more engaged with the EU.

On the third question, if we go down the road towards a more fiscally united Europe, has any thought been given to having more democratic control at the centre of Europe?


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