Dáil debates

Tuesday, 2 March 2010


Telecommunications Services.

12:00 pm

Photo of Liz McManusLiz McManus (Wicklow, Labour)

Will the Minister ensure that companies do not get away with making misleading claims? Companies often promise speeds up to a certain level, which is pretty meaningless because most of the time they are way below that. The website, which is the Minister's responsibility, is currently under construction. Will he acknowledge, however, that it does not look good for such a website not to be up to date? I know we are concentrating on speed, but even with a national broadband scheme 12,000 households will still not have broadband services at all. The Minister must deal with this, so has he come up with a solution to provide those households with broadband? If not, they will be at a great disadvantage. It is not as if they can wait a while and expect to get broadband, because even after that scheme is completed they will not have broadband.


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