Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 25 April 2024

Committee on Public Petitions

Public Petition on Kiltimagh Water Scheme: Discussion

1:00 pm

Photo of Gerard CraughwellGerard Craughwell (Independent) | Oireachtas source

I am mindful of a solicitor friend of mine who said to me that when he takes on a case, the client sleeps the case, eats the case and wakes up with the case and thinks everybody else involved in it should do exactly the same thing. I understand that 60 projects and 15,000 houses is major. I understand what the witnesses are trying to do. I also understand the people of Kiltimagh and the difficulties they have. Perhaps we could all get together and see delivery in six months. Two crucial things are coming out of this meeting and the community itself should start working on them this evening. One is the issue of cost. Can the witnesses bring the local credit union on board with them should they need to fund individual house connections? The other one is that the construction is not impeded in any way once they get started. After that, there is not a whole lot anybody can do.

As regards the FOI question, Mr. Condon might go back and talk to the council and see if there is any way it can provide a refund. It is outrageous that people would have to make a FOI request in respect of basic questions.


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