Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Thursday, 25 April 2024

Committee on Public Petitions

Public Petition on Kiltimagh Water Scheme: Discussion

1:00 pm

Photo of Gerard CraughwellGerard Craughwell (Independent) | Oireachtas source

I do not want to get into the reasons as the answers from all the witnesses have been quite comprehensive. Mr. Kelly and Ms Bourke have come in for great praise from the community as I believe has Mr. McDermott. It is a good thing that they are engaging with members of the community. Perhaps I could ask Mr. Condon and Mayo County Council to engage with the Department of Social Protection and ask if there could be funding available through the community welfare scheme. We were told there are a number of pensioners in the area and significant sums of money being asked of pensioners may be prohibitive. If only 80% of residents sign up, does that mean, as I assume, the project cannot go ahead?


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