Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at Local Level: Discussion

Mr. Greg Swift:

We do not have a budget for them. We tend to operate out of the general budget. We have a chance to request additional funds at certain times of the year. Senator McGreehan mentioned initiatives. For local enterprise week this year the Lord Mayor of Dublin introduced a campaign for Dublin to be a city of kindness. The Lord Mayor also ran the Empowering our Future event, in which we were involved. This covered self-employment and employment and a report is almost ready. It was in partnership with TU Dublin, the Office of the Lord Mayor and Dublin City Council. There are many recommendations in it. The report contains 27 actions and many of them are getting picked up in terms of training.

I will come back to the question asked by Deputy Ellis on awareness. There is no particular training for staff per se but because we are in local authorities we get a certain amount of training. Several years ago through Dublin City Council we were on a European programme on self-employment for people with disabilities. It was an international programme and we learned a lot through it. Individual LEOs interact with their local authorities in this regard. Open Doors training is available. It has started to happen. It is a good thing and it will help the staff in the LEOs to become much more appropriately aware of how to deal with certain situations.


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