Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Wednesday, 10 April 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters

The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities at Local Level: Discussion

Mr. Greg Swift:

If someone comes to the office, the first thing regarding tailored initiatives is that we have that mentor panel in place.

This is where we activate most of the supports for someone with a disability. In terms of how we react to it, people self-declare if they have a disability. They then declare what that disability is. Sometimes we do not know how to react to a particular disability so we have to get advice on what we require. We contact an agency. The staff of the LEOs are from the local authority. They are local authority employees. We do have access to finding out about the needs through in-house mechanisms.

If a carer is involved, we make arrangements in order that the carer can come in. We check the timing of the visit if it is to the office. We also facilitate online meetings. If they can come into the office to a meeting room in-house another issue is what supports are needed. If someone is deaf, we arrange signing. We do this type of thing. If there are requirements, we pick them up. We depend on the applicants telling us what their needs are.


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