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RSS feed Marc Ó Cathasaigh TD

Photo of Marc Ó Cathasaigh

Voting record

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Committees and topics of interest

Asks most questions about

  • Subjects (based on headings added by the Dáil record): Hospital Staff, Covid-19 Pandemic, Special Educational Needs, Sustainable Development Goals, Covid-19 Pandemic Supports

(based on written questions asked by Marc Ó Cathasaigh and answered by departments)

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Public Accounts Committee: Financial Statements 2022: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (30 May 2024)

“I apologise that I missed some of the contributions. use I was speaking in the Dáil, so I apologise if I repeat some questions that were put previously. Deputy Kelly began by citing “Room to Improve”. Unfortunately, a different programme comes to mind here. It is one of the episodes of "Killinaskully" in which the Pat Shortt character is selling concrete frogs. The...”

Public Accounts Committee: Financial Statements 2022: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (30 May 2024)

“Regarding that timeline, what is the baseline date? We see it slip and slip. We are now hearing February 2025 for a substantial completion date, which is a difficult date to believe when we do not have a baseline programme. If we are pursuing the contractor for these damages after the fact, what is the baseline against? What was the expected date?”

Public Accounts Committee: Financial Statements 2022: National Paediatric Hospital Development Board (30 May 2024)

“Okay, so we can expect the process after the fact, and probably a contested process after the fact, to seek-----”

More of Marc Ó Cathasaigh's recent appearances


These statistics are updated only each weekend. Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site.More about this)