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RSS feed Senator Martin Conway

Photo of Martin Conway

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Health Service Executive: Chairperson Designate (29 May 2024)

“I thank Mr. Devane very much and congratulate him on his reappointment. Clearly, given that he has been reappointed, the Government feels he has done a good job. That is a very strong vote of confidence in him. Why would the Government not reappoint him? Mr. Devane managed a very difficult health emergency and all involved in the HSE and Department of Health have to be commended because...”

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Health Service Executive: Chairperson Designate (29 May 2024)

“Mr. Devane stated that one of the more pleasant elements was going through the pages of Sláintecare. He must be disappointed at the lack of progress in that regard, in spite of the pandemic. We understand that a pandemic causes difficulties, but he must be frustrated regarding the snail’s pace of progress relating to Sláintecare.”

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Health: Health Service Executive: Chairperson Designate (29 May 2024)

“I represent the mid-west, including County Clare, where a particular pressure point, namely UHL, has received significant media attention and attention from this committee and others. Has Mr. Devane’s board met in UHL? Has he walked through UHL and been briefed by its senior management?”

More of Martin Conway's recent appearances


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