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RSS feed Senator Mark Wall

Photo of Mark Wall

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Seanad: Housing Commission Report: Motion (29 May 2024)

“I thank the Senator. Senator John Cummins is next. The Senator has six minutes.”

Seanad: Housing Commission Report: Motion (29 May 2024)

“I, too, welcome the Minister of State to the House. I thank the Sinn Féin Senators for bringing forward this very important motion. I brought up this issue under the Order of Business last week when the report of the commission was published and I asked for a debate on it. The Labour Party is very glad to speak on it tonight. There can be no doubt, as has been said already by people...”

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Social Protection: Impact of Means Testing on Carer’s Allowance and Other Social Welfare Schemes: Discussion (29 May 2024)

“I welcome all our guests. Like Deputy Ó Laoghaire, I welcome Ms Skelly, in particular. I thank Ms Skelly, Ms Bailey and Ms Maher for their testimonies. As we always say here, lived testimony is very important when it comes to everything we do here. It was very important for us to hear their testimonies this morning. I have encountered multiple issues with carer's allowance in the...”

More of Mark Wall's recent appearances


These statistics are updated only each weekend. Please note that numbers do not measure quality. Also, representatives may do other things not currently covered by this site.More about this)

  • Has spoken in 64 committee discussions and Dáil debates in the last year — above average among Senators.
  • People have made 0 comments on this Senator's speeches — average among Senators.
  • 4 people are tracking whenever this Senator speaks — email me whenever Mark Wall speaks.
  • Has used three-word alliterative phrases (e.g. "public-private partnership") 258 times in debates — below average among Senators.
    (Yes, this is a silly statistic. We include it to draw your attention to why you should read more than just these numbers when forming opinions.)