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RSS feed James Lawless TD

Photo of James Lawless

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Committees and topics of interest

Asks most questions about

  • Subjects (based on headings added by the Dáil record): Passport Services, Health Services, Schools Building Projects, Bus Services, Hospital Appointments Status

(based on written questions asked by James Lawless and answered by departments)

RSS feed Most recent appearances in parliament

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Scrutiny of the Firearms and Offensive Weapons (Amendment) Bill 2021 (28 May 2024)

“We have received apologies from Senator Vincent P. Martin and Deputy Mark Ward. Senator Robbie Gallagher is hoping to join us but has another engagement. I will begin with the usual housekeeping to remind members and witnesses to turn off their mobile phones or switch them to flight mode so they do not interfere with the recording. The purpose of the meeting today is to consider a...”

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Scrutiny of the Firearms and Offensive Weapons (Amendment) Bill 2021 (28 May 2024)

“This is not PLS. This is pre-Committee Stage scrutiny. This Bill has gone through Second Stage and has been referred to us to see whether it would pass. It is the tollgate stage to decide whether we allow the Bill to progress through to the next Stage. I think it will come back around for PLS after that. Am I right in saying there is a full PLS?”

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Justice, Defence and Equality: Scrutiny of the Firearms and Offensive Weapons (Amendment) Bill 2021 (28 May 2024)

“Okay. It is in keeping with the memorandum of understanding at the start of the Oireachtas term, which we also followed for Deputy Gino Kenny's Bill. On that Bill we took a different approach because it was a wider subject matter and we had multiple submissions on that, over 1,000 actually. That was a little bit unusual. Normally, we are governed by the memorandum of understanding the...”

More of James Lawless's recent appearances


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