Oireachtas Joint and Select Committees

Tuesday, 23 April 2024

Joint Oireachtas Committee on Climate Action

Ireland's Climate Change Assessment Report: Discussion

Photo of Brian LeddinBrian Leddin (Limerick City, Green Party) | Oireachtas source

I thank Professor Daly and all who contributed to the opening statement. As agreed, members will have five minutes for their questions. I will allow latitude if I think it is an important line of questioning. Members might indicate if they wish to ask questions, and the clerk will take a list.

To begin, I might ask a straightforward question to any and all of the witnesses. It is about the political challenge of climate action. The witnesses represent different areas of academic research in the broader climate area. Our challenge as politicians is policy, and getting policy across the line. While I think there is certainly a general acceptance in this committee, and perhaps less so in the broader Oireachtas, generally in Ireland there is a strong acceptance of the climate change challenge. There is strong acceptance that we need to tackle it. However, where we really struggle is the detail and any policies that we might try to advance become very difficult politically. Did the witnesses look at that political challenge? Was that part of the work of the report?

A lot of that is communication. It is about presenting evidence. It is about presenting the benefits of a lot of the policy proposals as well. If any of our witnesses want to speak to that, I am sure they have thoughts and ideas. It would certainly be relevant to our work as politicians.


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